The Wing Chun Workshop will give you the best experience with one of the best and most qualified Wing Chun masters around the world. The exercise of Wing Chun promotes emotional balance, mental clarity, and a clearly defined avenue for the authentic expression of our true person. The workshops with Sifu Didier Beddar will cover a broad range of Wing Chun-specific topics, such as drills, Shil Lim Tao, Chin Na, and much more. The participants will have the chance to experience Sifu Beddars’ teaching style.

Sifu Didier Beddar
With over 35 years of experience in Chinese martial arts, Didier Beddar is still one of the best experts in Wing Chun around the world. When he was 14, he started his martial training and studied Traditional Northern Shaolin Kung fu with Master Alan LEE for more than 10 years. Between 1987 and 1991, he left France and went to Australia to learn traditional Wing Chun under the supervision of Grandmaster William Cheung, which was a direct student of Great Grandmaster Yip Man the Legend.
“In combat, many styles leave a lot to improvisation during contact with the opponent. This is why I looked for a complementary style, of perfect martial objectivity, which would leave no room for improvisation, and which would offer an overall strategy covering all the tactical areas of the art of combat. . The Wing Chun style, one of the most accomplished in southern China, then imposed itself on me." --- Didier Beddar
If you want to know more about Beddar, please follow the links: