Take this opportunity to meet the members of Chi Wu Men Athletic Association. This page serves to exhibit members of our gōngfu family. All members of Chi Wu Men are masters certified or instructors certified, capable of representing our clan to carry on our lineage. Our entity is located in the United States of America, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and Italy.

Sifu Leung Zhang Wei 梁張威
Sifu Leung Zhang Wei (Ronald Mesia) is the President of the Chi Wu Men Athletic Association and the Ambassador of the International Wushu Sanda Federation of the United States of America. He is also the representative of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association of the United States, founded by Yip Man. Sifu Leung Wei is Yip Man's third generation, and he possesses over 18 years of experience in Chinese Martial Arts. In 2018, while becoming the Jung Shee (Gatekeeper) he made a promise to his Sifu to preserve and spread his gōngfu family style in the United States. Sifu Leung Wei has attended numerous Martial Arts Seminars and Tournaments, achieving great results. He trained under Sigung Leung Shan Hu, Sifu Rafael Rivero, Sifu Didier Beddar, Sifu Singh, Sifu Dane Tobias, and Sifu Diego de Souza (a former student of grandmaster Roger C. Soo). Sifu Leung Zhang Wei is a certified instructor in the following styles:
Hei Ng Mun
Bak Fu Pai
Wing Chun
Shuai Chiao - Kuaijiao
Sanda - Third Duan
Taiji Quan Yang/Chen - Qi Gong/Nei Gong
Jeet Kune Do
Also, some other requisites:
Tea master Certified
Tea sommelier Certified
Member of International Tea Academy Certified
Feng Shui consultant Certified
Cupping Massage Therapy Certified
Gua Sha therapist Certified
Traditional Chinese herbalist Certified
Traditional Chinese calligrapher Certified
International Association of Therapists member Certified
Member representative of "Filhos do Tigre Shuai Chiao Kung Fu Brazil"
Shuaijiao Referee Certified by "Filhos do Tigre Shuai Chiao Kung Fu Brazil"
Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice - FIU
Minor in Theology - FIU
Security Officer Certified
Armed Security Officer Certified
Firearm Instructor Certified
Tactical Self-Defense open hands and Weapon Certified
Taught 3 workshops in Brazil, in 2019 and 2022
School Location: San Francisco, California- USA

Sifu Ding Dao Bai 顶道拜
Sifu Dane's Bak Mei Kung Fu School, an advanced system of martial arts that focuses on intent and developing ging (shock power) and yau gong (flexible power). Sifu Dane has been on a journey of self-discovery and mastery of martial arts for many years, beginning at the age of 31 under the tutelage of his master, Shifu Angelo Clori (Shi Xing Kai Yin).
Shifu Angelo Clori is a 32nd generation disciple of the Cao Tung Chaa'n Tradition and trained in Mizhong quan fa, Cao Tung Shaolin martial & qi gong, TCM, meditation, health & wellness. Sifu Dane's lineage can be traced back to the Mi Zong Chi fa Chuan, the highest priest abbot of northern and southern China and also Shaolin Temple.
Sifu Dane's journey in martial arts took a new turn when another door opened for him. He was fortunate enough to start training under Grandmaster Sifu Dennis Wood in the Ngor Mei Shan Bak Mei Pai and Bak Fu Pai Kung Fu system inherited from Grand Master Doo Wai. This white eyebrow Kung Fu is an extremely explosive and short-range fighting system (HAKKA) that is only found in this Bak Mei Pai.
Sifu Dane's Bak Mei lineage can be traced back to the Doo family, where he is the 8th generation from Bak Mei Dao Yun. He would not have been able to achieve all this without the guidance of Shifu Angelo Kai Clori, and he wishes to acknowledge and give recognition to his master.
School Location: Sydney- Australia
for more information about Sifu Dane:

Sifu Leung Cheng Hui 梁成慧
Sifu Leung Cheng Hui (Jaccobo Marroquin) has over 20 years of experience in Martial Arts. Sifu Leung Cheng started his training under Sifu Ruben Herrera back in 1999 learning the Tai Chi Yang Style. Years later in Colima, Mexico, he joined the Wing Tsun School Tao Shen Kwoon Martial Arts School. Also, Sifu Leung Cheng has been a member of the Sholdum School since 2010. Sifu Leung Cheng was a member of EBMAS in Mexico. Sifu Leung Cheng is a Certified Kinesiologist, and Masseuse therapist. He also uses energy healing as a part of his therapy. He is a member of two other organizations:
Catch Wrestling Mexico
Yang Tai Chi Chuan Taiyon School
Nowadays, Sifu Leung Cheng Hui practices the Chi Wu Men Kung fu, and represents the Federation in Jalisco, Mexico
School Location: Jalisco - Mexico

Sifu Leung Dong Li 梁东力

Sifu Leung Dong Li (Alessio Cortani) has been studying Martial Arts for over 35 years. He started with the five animal forms Hung Gar, Kenpo, Wing Chun, Tai Chi Yang/ Qi Gong, and Wudang Tai Chi. In 2000, Sifu Alessio became a Sifu in the Lineage of Pam Nam Wing Chun and Yip man's Wing Chun as well. Sifu Leung Dong Li has participated in many seminars along with many of the most famous masters in Europe. He participates in Martial Arts Tournaments obtaining great results.
Sifu Leung Dong Li studied and is certified in Medical Qigong, TCM, White Crane Gong Fu, Dim Mak Pressure Point. Recently, Sifu Leung Dong Li became instructor certified in Jeet Kune Do under master Rivero in Italy. Sifu Leung Dong Li founded the Qigong system based on a new perception of the body. The Qigong system is adaptable to self-defense because it uses techniques of animal styles but in an innovative manner. The name of the system is the Cortani Combat System or Energy Evolution and Animal Flow Combat. Recently, Sifu Leung Dong Li became a student of Sifu Leung Zhang Wei who also practiced Hei Ng Mun Kung Fu.
School Location: Imperia- Italy

Sifu Leung Ling Long 梁灵龙
Sifu Leung Ling Long (Felipe Ramos) started his training on June 18th of 2002 under Sigung Leung Shan Hu in Osasco, Sao Paulo-Brazil. He collected many 1st place medals participating in many martial arts completions in Brazil. In 2007 Sifu Long became sifu’s Shang hu special student and oldest student, he helped to teach classes in the main school location in Osasco.
In 2009 Sifu Long became black belt instructor certified, which he took the exam with three other kung fu brothers and successfully passed. In 2010, Sifu Long took over the main school in Osasco to help Sigung Leung Shan Hu. Also, he taught classes in three other different locations until 2013.
In 2016, Sifu Long graduated with a black belt 3rd Degree. In 2020, He founded the Leung Ling Long Kung Fu Association, and he is also Vice-President of Chi Wu Men Athletic Association.
Also, some other requisites:
Radiology Technician Degree
Masters Degree in Science by the University of Sao Paulo
Bachelor's degree in Physical Education
School Location: Butantã, Sao Paulo - Brazil

Sifu Lidio Fernandes
Sifu Lidio Fernandes started his martial arts training at the age of 8 years old, after 2 years of practicing he had to stop for some time. He returned to practice martial arts at the age of 17 and after 5 years of training he graduated as a black belt instructor in gōngfu. At the age of 23 he started Hapkido and after many years of training he became a black belt first Duan.
Sifu Lidio has always had a passion for martial arts, he ended up training several different styles like Boxing for 8 years reaching the level of instructor, Tae Kwon Do, reaching the blue belt, he also trained Muay Thai with the Insider team for approximately 2 years, and Jiu-Jitsu for 4 years, reaching the blue belt, and finally Judo with the local competition team for the city of Osasco — São Paulo, Brazil.
In 2012 Sifu Lidio started to focus his training on Sanda, and today he is one of the greatest Brazilian athletes in this sport, having won 12 titles in the "Paulista championship", 10 times Brazilian champion, 7 times international champion, and more than 15 times champion in the Brazil Cup. Sifu Lidio also has Brazilian champion students at the Pan-American in which he also takes part as a coach and affiliated with CBKW, the largest Wushu and Sanda federation in Brazil.
Sifu Lidio also has a degree in Accounting Sciences from college, and today he has his own martial arts training center called CTAP (High Performance Training Center) in Osasco — São Paulo. Also, Sifu Lidio Fernandes has over 28 years of experience in martial arts, and is more than qualified to train and prepare Chi Wu Men Athletic Association athletes for competitions, and official representative of the Association in the Sanda sport.
Instructor certified:
Kung Fu
School Location: Osasco, Sao Paulo-Brazil

Sifu Marcos de Oliveira Lima
Since I was young, Jackie Chan's movies have always inspired me. I used to feel very excited after watching his movies, and as soon as the movie ended, I would go to the backyard or the beach to practice those movements that I wachted on TV.
When I was 11 years old, during my summer vacations my cousin used to teach me Muay Thai . During that time, I started taking training seriously and maintained a regular training routine frequently.
At the age of 14 in 2011, I was invited to train Chinese martial arts by a friend, who was already practicing Kugn Fu. I was amazed when I saw that the Sifu was a fisherman whom I always saw at the beach and who always smiled sweetly at me. Among all the circunstances at the beach, his was the only one that seemed to know what I was doing when I used to practice the moviments that I saw on Jackie Chan's movies, even though I didn't know exactly what I was doing. Since that moment, we began to build a strong friendship with my Sifu and my Kung Fu brothers.
In 2015, we began training at the Sifu's house and in natural environments. During this period, there were ample opportunities to delve deep into the philosophical aspects, which significantly transformed me.
During the pandemic, my Sifu granted me the title of instructor, and I was entrusted with teaching classes while he was unable to do so due to work commitments.
In 2012, I also started practicing Capoeira and took part in some local cultural events and shows through it.
I made the decision to devote my life to martial arts, which has helped me achieve my personal goals and self-development. In 2019, on Christmas Eve, my Sifu Rogialdo recognized my dedication and certified me as a black belt instructor. In 2023, I had the opportunity to meet Sifu Leung Zhang Wei, which opened the door for me to become a member of the Chi Wu Men Athletic Association and represent the Chi Wu Men Kung Fu family. Presently, I proudly serve as a representative of this Kung Fu Clan in my province.
Today, my passion in life revolves around practicing, studying, and teaching Kung Fu and Capoeira.
School Location: Aracati, Fortaleza Ceara-Brazil

Moon-To Renan Pietro
Instructor Renan Pietro started his training in the year 2000 with his father Sifu Marciel Rodrigues. He learned Hung Gar Kuen, from the lineage of Li Hon Ki. At 12 years old, he reached the level of brown sash, but unfortunately, he had to stop his training. When he moved to Sao Paulo, he met Sigung Leung Shan Hu and started to practice the Hei Ng Mun Kung fu. Eventually, he decided to finish the Hei Ng Mun Kung Fu as a student of Sifu Leung Wei. He became Leung Wei’s special student in 2018.
Also, some other requisites:
Hung Gar Kuen (Li Hon Ki) - Brown Sash
Hei ng Mun Kung Fu ( Leung Wing Hang) - Red Sash
Ninjutsu (Kohga Ha Kurokawa Ryu) - Black Belt
Kenjutsu (Clã Yamamoto) - Black Belt 5º Degree
Jeet Kune Do (taky Kimura) JKB - Black Belt
School Location: Osasco, Sao Paulo-Brazil