"He who knows
the art
of breathing
has the strength, wisdom, and courage of
ten tigers."
Chinese Proverb

Sifu Ronald Mesia
With over 18 years of experience in Chinese martial arts, Sifu Leung Zhang Wei, also known as Ronald Mesia, serves as the head instructor and President of the Chi Wu Men Athletic Association. Additionally, he holds the prestigious position of Ambassador for the International Wushu Sanda Federation of the United States. As a certified representative of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association in the USA, Sifu Leung Zhang Wei is recognized as a third-generation disciple of Yip Man, and a member of the White Lotus Hakka Kung Fu Society, Sifu Leung Zhang Wei's extensive training includes studying under the guidance of Sigung Leung Shan Hu, Sigung Rafael Rivero, Sifu Ding Dao Bai,Sifu Singh, and Sifu Didier Beddar. Throughout his years of dedicated practice, he has mastered various styles, including Hei Ng Mun Kung Fu, Bak Fu Pai Kung Fu, Hung Mo Pai Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong. Furthermore, he has excelled in Sanda, Kuaijiao, and Jeet Kune Do.

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